ABC Bank Animal Welfare Principles
At ABC Bank, we are committed to promoting ethical and responsible practices that align with our purpose and values. In line with this commitment, we have developed the following Animal Welfare Principles, which guide our decision-making process regarding the financing of activities that involve animals. These principles reflect our dedication to safeguarding the well-being of animals and contributing positively to a more sustainable and compassionate world.
1. Animal Testing for Cosmetic Industry
ABC Bank firmly believes in the ethical treatment of animals and, as such, we will not finance any activities that involve animal testing for the cosmetic industry. We acknowledge the importance of supporting cruelty-free and alternative testing methods that do not involve animals. By adhering to this principle, we aim to encourage the development and use of safe, innovative, and humane practices within the cosmetics industry.
2. Live Animal Export
ABC Bank takes a strong stance against live animal export. We will not provide financial support to any activities involved in the transportation of live animals for the purpose of export. This principle aligns with our values of compassion and responsible business practices, promoting the welfare of animals and respecting their right to be treated with dignity and care.
3. Animal Fights for Any Purpose
We condemn any form of animal fights, including but not limited to dog fights, cockfights, and other cruel competitions involving animals. ABC Bank will not finance such activities, as they promote violence and disregard for the well-being of animals. We believe in fostering a society where animals are protected from harm and exploitation.
4. Intensive Animal Farming
ABC Bank recognizes the environmental, ethical, and public health concerns associated with intensive animal farming practices. We are committed to not financing activities that engage in intensive farming methods that compromise the welfare of animals, contribute to environmental degradation, and undermine sustainable agricultural practices.
5. Animal Activities Incurring Serious Risk of Harm
Our commitment to animal welfare extends to avoiding the financing of any activities that involve the serious risk of harm to animals. This includes activities that have a high potential to cause suffering, injury, or distress to animals. ABC Bank aims to promote responsible and compassionate practices that prioritize the well-being and safety of animals.