HI6006 Competitive Strategy_ Individual Assessment

Question 1                                                                                                             

Conduct a comprehensive industry analysis using the Porter 5F Model, underpinned by relevant theory from Holmes HI6006 Competitive Strategy syllabus.

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Question 2                                                                                                              

Explain Tesla’s culture, focusing on innovation and entrepreneurial orientation, underpinned by relevant theory from Holmes HI6006 Competitive Strategy syllabus.

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Question 3                                                                                                              

With reference to the Adoption Curve, discuss Tesla’s progress to date, current situation, and future challenges, underpinned by relevant theory from Holmes HI6006 Competitive Strategy syllabus.
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Question 4                                                                                                              

From a sustainability perspective, comment in detail on Elon Musk’s strategic investments in Space Travel (Spacex), Media (Twitter / X), Automotive (Tesla), and Artificial Intelligence.
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Question 5                                                                                                              

Put yourself in the position of a management consultant who has been requested to recommend strategic improvements to Tesla. Outline at least 2 improvements you would recommend, with justification based on facts from the case underpinned by theoretical models you learnt in this unit at Holmes Institute but not already included in Questions 1-4.
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