HI5000 | Career exploration and discovery

The purpose of this assessment is to select four (4) journal articles related to the discipline of business
and to learn from them with respect to your own career wishes and desires. Your job is to: identify
issues, gather data, analyse the forces at play in each of the five journal articles that is related to career
development and recommend appropriate courses of action that will benefit your career.

How to proceed and write the Journal Article Review
In this assessment the objective is to, “…build learner capacity to identify, gather, summarise and
reference academic research papers related to the discipline of business.”
The way you can think about this is that you will be taking another person’s text and:
understand it, summarize it, and write in your own words your opinion about that text and whether it
impacts or is influential with respect to your career.
Keep in mind that YOUR opinion matters as much as does the author who wrote the text. You are
reviewing their work! They are not reviewing YOUR work!
Select a total of four articles, one from each of the following topics (any four topics).
a) Risk taking, being an entrepreneur, PESTEL
b) Leadership
c) Digital business models and the coming AI
d) Core business processes
e) Global FDI, and ethics
f) Strategic Management
g) Cross cultural human resources
h) Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Central Banks, Foreign Exchange
Now, how do you write this?
Step 1: Pick a Journal Article related to one of the topics above #1 (say 10 pages) that
is about career development or the career you want to have when you graduate from

Step 2: To get an idea of what the topic is about, “look at the abstract”! Read it very
Step 3: WARNING! Don’t start writing until you are fully aware of what the journal
article is about.
Step 4: Read through the article and extract and write a summary of the main points
of the article. Write them on a separate piece of paper.
Step 5: Make certain that supporting facts to the main points are also summarized. If
you see words, you do not understand, just use your dictionary!
Step 6: Read through the article AGAIN – you should really understand the article now.
Step 7: Go back to # 4 above and expand the summary of the main points that you
have written – and any facts that were used to support them. BUT, this is a summary
of the author’s arguments, thoughts and views – NOT YOURS!
Repeat steps #1 to 7 using five different journal articles selected by the group.
Remember! Use short and simple sentences such as:
“The author thinks that there are strong career opportunities in XXXX.”
“ He also thinks that there are not many opportunities in the banking industry.”
So, in summary short sentences not more than 10 words to a sentence!
OK, now you should understand what the article is about as you have summarized the main points and
have created some paragraphs about the main points.

So, you can NOW start to express your main thoughts using this structure:
Title – keep it short and interesting, e.g. “Career opportunities in the IT industry in XXX”
Citation, please use Holmes Institute adapted Harvard referencing
Section A: Journal Article #1 (Max 400 words per article)

Journal Article #1: Introduction (Max 100 words)
Use it to simply state the main points of the argument. If there are 4 main points, then simply speak
about these in 10 short sentences – (10 words per sentence). So, in total it will be about 100 words.
(Include reasons for your choice of the topic)

  • Summarize the main points of the article.
  • Highlight reasons for choosing this article
    Your opinion on Journal Article #1 (Max 100 words)
    Go back to #7 and use that expanded summary to discuss what your opinion is of the author’s ideas.
    This is YOUR opportunity to say what YOU THINK! Write in your own words (Max 100 words) to a line
    and maximum of 4 sentences to a paragraph.
    Critique of Journal Article #1 (Max 150 words)
    This is your chance to say what you think of what the author said. Is it reasonable or unreasonable?
    So, you could say, “The author is disappointed about banking employment. But he does not offer
    evidence.” (Include identification of Unit issues in the chosen case)
  • Evaluate the reasonableness of the author’s arguments.
  • Provide concise critiques
  • Identify any issues with evidence or reasoning.
    Impact on your career- Journal Article #1 (Max 100 words)
    Possible impact on your career of the discussion in the journal article
  • Discuss potential implications of the article on your career.
  • Keep responses brief and to the point.
    Repeat the Above Steps in Section A for the Remaining three Journal Articles to create Sections B to
    D for Journal Articles #2 to #4. Follow the same structure and guidelines for each article.
    Section E: Overall Summary of the Four Journal Articles: (Maximum 450 words)
  • Summarize key findings and insights from all articles. (150 words)
  • Reflect on the collective impact of the articles on career exploration. (150 words)
  • Conclude with any overarching observations or lessons learned. (150 words)
    PROOFREAD, make certain all grammar, spelling, upper & lower cases are correct. Note: 10 words per sentence and maximum of 4 sentences to a paragraph.